The curious case of Emotions, Brand and Consumer.

Emotional branding is the act of triggering a consumer’s emotions in order to establish a relationship with a product or brand. Marketers do this by generating material that appeals to the emotional state, ego, wants, and ambitions of their target audience.

Humans’ innate desires for love, power, emotional stability, and ego satisfaction are all subconscious and may be tapped into by emotionally induced marketing. According to the best branding consultancy services, this strategy can be more than 50% more effective than a non-emotionally focused advertisement.

Emotional Advertising vs. Emotional Branding

Although it may appear to be self-explanatory, emotional advertising is a complicated discipline that, if done poorly, may leave your audience confused. Emotional advertising may be very effective with proper study and application of emotional appeal.

Emotion may be used in advertising in a more direct way, such as in a single commercial or campaign created and designed by the top branding and marketing companies in India. Each emotional ad adds to the emotional branding strategy; emotional commercials are like unique building stones that help the brand maintain its structural integrity.

Emotional branding combines Ethos, Pathos, and Logos.

Are you familiar with Aristotle? We may thank him for the three foundations of persuasive marketing: ethos, pathos, and logos. You’ve developed an emotionally appealing brand when you can find a balance between all these three elements-

Ethos: Affirmation of Trustworthiness and Ethics

“Brand X is recommended by three out of four industry experts above the competition.”

An advertisement appeals to ethos when an expert or another influencer promotes a product or service. In branding, ethos may take various forms, such as quoting experts in the industry, citing references, client testimonials, and case studies.

Appealing to ethos promotes your brand as the expert in the field and develops trust and credibility within your business. Any well reputed branding consultant in Pune uses this perfectly for their client’s profit.

Pathos: Empathy Appeal

“X brand” stands for “Live, Laugh, and Long-Term Retention.”

Pathos drives customers to act by instilling a sense of urgency, a fear of missing out, a sense of belonging, and other emotions, as long as it is done correctly and without making the customer feel manipulated. Pathos is frequently used to elicit empathy and strengthen their branding approach.

Logos: Logic and reason

“The X brand is 99.9% efficient in preventing grinding.”

The most convincing of Aristotle’s three foundations, Logos, is also the most reliant on the others. Simply bringing forth facts, figures, or features to customers is rarely enough to persuade them to act. Demonstrate what your product can accomplish for them, and establish an emotional link between their feelings and your rationale.

Why Emotional Branding?

When you engage your audience, you develop a relationship with them, which leads to a significant boost in customer lifetime value. Why is it critical to make use of this strategy? Because 90% of purchasing choices are done unconsciously, and 89 percent of customers have no personal connection to the companies they purchase. This suggests that attempting to build an emotional connection is a great way to set your company apart from its competitors.

Circle 360 Branding Solutions is a prime branding consultant in Pune that develops a branding strategy which is holistic in its approach. Their expertise in the field focuses on prioritizing your brand needs and developing a perfect audience approach. To transform your brand in a 360n degree aspect, reach out to us!


-By Circle 360 Brand Solutions.

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